Thursday, November 01, 2007

I Survived...Split This House

Now that would be a fun series. Unfortunately, it doesn't exit. I just concatenated two upcoming A&E series for the title.

On October 26, 2007 A&E filed trademark apps to protect I Survived... and Split This House for new TV shows.

According to one filing, I Survived... will be an "on-going telelvision series featuring the stories of people who have overcome overwhelming circumstances, near death experiences and/or accidents." A&E really has hit rock-bottom. Talk about an inexpensive copycat concept. These stories have been around forever. ABC aired "I Survived a Disaster" specials in 1997 and 1998. Fox didn't want to be left out; so it aired its own series of specials — "Surviving the Moment of Impact" — from 1998 to 2001. Then the survival stories went to cable. Discovery aired "Impact: Stories of Survival" in 2002 and "Survive This" in 2007. I'm sure there are many more, but you get my point. A&E is pretty far down the pecking order on TV channels these days. I wonder how many times the same person appeared in multiple series?

Split This House is "on-going television series featuring stories about home decoration" according to its application. Now here's one show I can finally tell you something about. Kelley Moore, one of the co-hosts of "Split This House," posted a few items about the pilot on her blog (w/makeover pics).

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